Friday, August 27, 2010

The Card and Your Credit

Did you know that you could consolidate your credit card dues at a much cheaper rate of interest? You may even find a balance transfer scheme where you could get an interest free period of 12 months apart from a consolidated credit card. Much like debt consolidation, this way of consolidating your finance is a better way and may be a cheaper way of paying your dues.

Smart use of your cards can see you through a tricky time, though credit card overdue and regular expense exceeding your income are not great news. Managing credit is ultimately about managing your finances both in the long run and short term. Seeking finance from the right credit facility and repaying o n time and the full amount are crucial aspects of not being burdened by debt. Interest rates on credit cards should not be taken lightly or overlooked especially if you are borrowing a large amount.

For calculating and comparing APRs of various credit card companies you could opt for a finance portal.

You can use credit card comparison sites to view several card ratings in a go. The interest rates too have some dynamic factors, though there is a typical interest rate for most credit card companies and the grace period is between 28 to 56 days, you may find some exceptional deals. Some introductory offers may give 0% interest rate for a period of 12 months, though one should be careful not to accumulate credit before a high interest rate overwhelms you after the introductory period is over.

Having borrowed an amount, make sure you repay before the grace period is over. Overdue payments should never become a habit. Credit card usage should be prudent and not prompt! Take care to not just meet the minimum amount of repayment (which may barely be a little over the interest accumulated on the card) but the full amount. Wise credit card usage will empower you but the same tool could be abused and debt may hang like an albatross around your neck.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What Exactly is Credit Card Consolidation?

Credit card users can get hampered by so many technical industry terms. It can get a bit daunting for the first time card user. For example, what exactly is credit card consolidation? A lot of people in a debt crisis would benefit from knowing this term. It might save you a lot of money in the long run.

But first of all, how does one know if you are in debt crises? After all, some people take so long to realize that they need help. It may be too embarrassing and shameful for one to admit to others that they are in a dept problem; it may also be hard to accept this fact yourself because you can really on your other credit cards. But being in denial can only worsen one’s situation. There are several sure fire signs that you are in debt crises.

-First of all, are you only paying the minimum for your card accounts?
-Are you using one card to pay another?
-Are you starting to use your card to pay for things you can’t afford?
-Do you start using plastic to pay for daily things such as groceries or food, things that you usually use cash to pay for in the past?
-Are you starting to get nervous when answering the phone or checking your mail? Or do you start avoiding these all in all?
-Are you afraid of telling other people the numbers of your debt?
-Are your cards getting maxed out?

If these seem like an accurate description of your situation then in all probability, you really are in a serious debt crisis. You might want to consider debt consolidation.

Debt consolidation is basically getting a loan from a bank to pay all of your various other loans. In a sense, your card loans, mortgages, and or student loans can be lumped together into one giant loan in this way. There are several advantages to doing this.

Usually, debt consolidation will help you reduce your over all interest rate. This is especially true for credit card consolidation because most cards typically have soaring interest rates as well as late fees and penalties. Also, debt consolidation will make your life so much easier. Instead of looking at remembering to pay loans left and right, all you need to do is to focus on this one consolidated debt. Also, consolidation can help you because it can extend the time you are given to pay. It can probably have a longer payment time than any of your smaller debts.

However, there is a downside. Though payment time is longer, it can also mean that the interest will accrue over time. Think about doing credit card consolidation carefully. You might want to do this for some of your loans and leave out big ones such as your mortgage for example.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Facts About Low Interest Credit Cards

So what are low interest credit cards really all about? The following article includes some pertinent information about low interest credit cards –info you can use to make wise financial decisions.

Trying to save on interest expense? Apply for a low interest credit card and start saving money by paying less interest expense. Low interest credit cards are considered cheap credit cards because they offer 0% Intro APR (annual percentage rate) up to one year. These offers may only apply to the balance transfer and not to new purchases and cash advance. Therefore, making purchases and taking cash advance with your promotional offer credit card may result in paying multiple interest rates. Individuals who are planning to make purchases and carry a credit card balance each month may be better off with low fixed interest rate credit cards. Customers will need to decide if a 0% intro APR or a low fixed APR credit card is better suited for their personal needs. It’s not uncommon for the interest rate to shoot up dramatically after the introductory period expires. Therefore, customers should know what the interest rate will be after the promotional period ends.

The promotional offer or interest free period can save hundreds of dollars in interest expense. During this interest free period no interest is accrued if the account is in good standing. Customers utilize the interest free period to transfer balance from high interest rate credit cards to a low interest credit rate credit cards to save money on interest expense. These cards are also very important for customers who are planning to consolidate credit card loans, make large purchases and carry a credit card balance from month to month. Credit card issuers charge a fee to do a balance transfer. This fee varies from bank to bank so it is a good idea to shop around for the best deal. Individuals with excellent credit score can ask to have the fee waived.

Banks and credit card companies competing for the low interest credit card business offer impressive features similar to standard credit cards. Similar features may be cash back, rewards, bonus miles, no annual fee and more. Therefore, comparing credit card features is very important because it allows you to find the card that meets your lifestyle and one that will save the most money on interest expense. The best way to save interest is to pay the outstanding balance off each billing cycle. Credit card companies usually waived the interest charges if the entire outstanding balance is paid on time each month. If the outstanding balance is not paid in full each month then the credit card companies will charge interest on the entire outstanding balance from the date of each purchase. Many customers are not financially able to maximize their interest savings by paying off the entire balance each month. Therefore the next best way to save on interest expense is to use a low interest credit card to make purchases and carry an outstanding balance.

It’s a common situation for individuals with bad credit to pay credit card companies large fees and finance charges. This situation keeps them indebted to the credit card companies if no action is taken to improve credit score. However, individuals with excellent credit can apply and get approval for a low interest credit card and avoid the burdensome situation of high interest rates and fees. Credit card companies have the option to change the interest rate on your credit card for various reasons such as making late payment, applying for too much credit, making late payments on different accounts or they can change it without any reason at all. Therefore, understanding credit and how to use it wisely is very important.

Low interest credit cards are ideally suited to consolidate credit card debts because of the 0% intro APR or low interest rate offered. It will make monthly payments more manageable and can alleviate the financial problems that come with having too much credit you can’t afford. This is an opportunity to get your finances in order and to start managing your credit more wisely. Having less credit card accounts will simplifies your life and eventually improve your credit score. It’s much more convenient to write one check instead of writing several checks each month to various creditors. Debt consolidation is an excellent opportunity to keep you out of bankruptcy and get your finances back on track.

Learning about grace period as it relates to your specific credit card is very important. The grace period is between 20 to 25 days. You have this free period to pay no interest if your payment is credited to your account during that time frame and your account carries no balance. Customer’s monthly payment must be received by the creditor during this time frame. Learning about grace period as it relates to your specific credit card is very important. Usually credit cards without a grace period are charged finance charges immediately on new purchases even if your previous month’s bill was paid in full.

The internet is the easiest place to find low interest credit cards with online credit card application. Websites offer various types of credit cards. The cards are grouped into different categories. Clicking on low interest credit cards will bring up a list of low interest credit cards. Customers will then be able to compare offers and submit their online credit card application for approval. The internet is very convenient and fast way to apply and submit your credit card application. No more waiting weeks to receive your credit card in the mail. Once approved your should receive your credit card by mail within a few days.

Read your credit card agreement to find out if there are separate interest rates for balance transfer, new purchases and cash advance. Card holders maybe charged a very high interest rate and fees for cash advance or making new purchases while getting the 0% intro offer for balance transfer. Don’t let this happen to you. Take the time to read the credit card agreement. Reading and understanding the credit card agreement is of utmost importance because it gives you the knowledge needed to make the right decision.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Credit Card Consolidation Companies

A credit card consolidation program can show you the way to reduce credit card payments. If you’re struggling with never ending debt and endless payments that seem to go nowhere, you have come to the right place. This article has been designed to give you the information you need to escape the debt trap so you can be debt free again sooner than you might imagine. Many Debt Consolidation Companies have specialty websites that answer many questions about properly handling your debt, what credit really is and how Consolidators can help you be debt free again. Taking the time to conduct the proper internet research will help to find the right Debt Management Company or information that will really help make a difference in your search for help.

Credit card companies spend millions of dollars laying a carefully designed trap and encouraging people into debt. You probably have already experienced the worry, stress, uncertainty, and probably even a difficult relationship due to debt and money problems. However, there is a way out of this trap, a way to recover your life and to eliminate the stress and worry, and be debt free again in as little as 10-20 payments. To help you reduce payments many have custom tailored programs to fit your budget and financial situation. It will eventually relieve the stress and worry that normally comes with debt. a properly tailored solution will extricate you of debt without bankruptcy or yet more loans.

Start breaking free of the debt trap right now. Start your journey to freedom contacting a debt counselor for a free, no obligation consultation. Most will be happy to give you as much help and advice as you need to help resolve your financial problems. Most Debt Consolidation companies will help you reduce your payments even if you do not qualify for the program. They will show you how to help eliminate your debts in as little as 10 payments and reduce your unsecured debt principle i.e. the actual amount owed down to just 60-65% of the current balance including all payments and fees. The information contained in this article will help you get back to living your life and stop worrying about your finances. Now you can relieve the stress and worry that normally comes with debt comfortably.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Refinancing Your Home to Write Off Your Credit Card Debts

Credit card companies are trying harder than ever to attract new customers, if you have fairly reasonable credit then you will probably be used to the array of junk mail which lands on your mat every day. There are many different companies offering these credit cards, some of which we know very well. You will no doubt receive lots of junk mail from GE Capital, however it is worth bearing in mind that just because they use these big names it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are part of that company.

This company may have started with the large company but spun off many years ago forming its own company. It is also possible to make your life easier by consolidating some of your debts, however you must be very careful when doing this otherwise you could make your financial situation worse than it already is. Many credit card companies make the idea of consolidating credit card debt very easy, however that may not always be true. Just keep your wits about you, if anything seems too good to be true, then it almost certainly is.

You will probably be aware of the checks that you get sent through he post for large sums of money, this may make it seem like a very good option for eliminating debt from your life. However these checks are really only an advertising gimmick, they are just offering you a way to consolidate the debts that you have on credit cards by using the equity in your home as collateral.

It’s a good idea to avoid equity lines of credit if you are consolidating your credit card loans, as this can put your property at risk for a fairly small loan. Lines of credit should be used for more expensive things like remodeling your home, or sending your children to college. You don’t really want a short term debt held on a credit card to turn into a long term debt added onto your monthly mortgage repayments. It’s best if you throw all of these ‘brilliant’ offers away as soon as you get them!


If you own your home then it might be a good idea to consider refinancing it in order to write off your credit card debt. This is one of the most extreme things that you can do to reduce your credit. This will mean that you have to continue paying mortgage repayments for longer than you otherwise would have. If you don’t mind the idea of increasing the length of your mortgage then I suggest you go for it. You will be financing a much smaller portion of the house than when you originally purchased it. Mortgage repayments will probably be much lower than your current credit card repayments.

Credit card debt can be a major problem which can affect every aspect of your life, you should do everything that you can do in order to reduce your credit card debts and potentially write them off. If you are clever then you will be able to find a way to cope with your credit card debt.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Credit Card Consolidation Loan Can Change a Life in 3 Ways

One way to get the credit card debt under control is to seek out a consolidation loan. These loans work very simply. The new loan is used to pay off each of the credit cards you have. It establishes a new loan, so that you have only one to repay.

There are several advantages of using this consolidation method over other solutions. For example, when you consolidate your debts, you maintain your credit score. If you were to file bankruptcy, for example, you would decimate your credit score for the next ten years. Another advantage of consolidation is that you have just one payment to make monthly. This simplifies the payment process and helps you to avoid problems such as late payments, over the limit fees and other fees.

How will this type of debt loan change your life?

#1: It allows you to get control of your credit situation by placing all of your debt into one loan. The result is more confidence. You can get through this debt!

#2: Because of the loan’s structure, you may pay less per month for this loan compared to the amount you would pay on each individual credit card. In other words, you pay less per month.

#3: You can work your way out of debt faster with a consolidation loan, in some instances. With the use of this loan, you can imagine a day when you no longer have debt over your head.

A credit card consolidation loan is often one of the best investments you can make into your future. Take some time to determine if you qualify for the loan. Then, be ready to change your life using it.

By the way, by researching and comparing the best debt consolidation companies in the market, you will be able to determine the one that meet your specific financial situation, plus the cheaper interest rates offered. Nonetheless, it is advisable going with a trusted and reputable debt counselor before making any decision, this way you will save time through specialized advise coming from a seasoned debt advisor and money by getting better results in a shorter span of time.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Your Average Credit Card Debt Can Make you a Millionaire

It is well worth your time to remember that most people who become millionaires live well below their means before and after their monetary success. They can do this because they have enough self-esteem to know who they are and what they want. They have a plan and courage and determination to follow through.

So, if you want to get out of debt you need a workable plan. Every person is different and has different lifestyle choices, but the important thing to remember is that a commitment must be made to gradually reduce the debt in your life and then to keep the debt low enough that it never becomes a serious problem.

The basic way to lower your credit card payment is to reduce the interest and pay off the cards. When you reduce the interest you are paying, then you have to commit to putting the extra money towards making a larger payment on your principle balance.

Depending on your situation you may be able to negotiate a credit card interest reduction, or consolidate credit cards into one low interest loan. The latter may require an attorney if you are entering a debt consolidation program.

A rather unknown credit card reduction technique is to begin paying off the card with the lowest balance first, so that you have some sense of accomplishment and can quickly move the money that was paid towards the now paid off card to another credit card. In this case you would pay the minimum payments on the other charge cards while paying as much as you can afford on the account with the lowest balance.

The idea is to pay the same total each month on all your accounts but every time a credit card is paid off you will pay more to the next card in line. We know this may sound contrary, but it is an effective method to pay off debt when you consider the emotional and mental resistance involved.

If you could stop buying everything that was absolutely necessary to live your life than you could pay off your credit card debt in no time, but most people can not do that. So we develop methods that actually work for most folks.

You may have gathered that the mental game is more important than the actual problem, in this case a large debt problem. Credit card debt is a symptom, not the cause of your problems.

Now while you are paying these accounts off you need to transfer balances to lower interest accounts. If possible combine the debt into as few accounts as possible. The reason for this is that you only have so many cards, and you are probably not able to get a new one if your debt is a problem, especially a low interest credit card with an enough credit to combine balances.

Imagine what your life will be like when, instead of paying thousands of dollars in interest every year, you are able to buy something and not owe any money! Imagine having money in the bank and not worrying about payments. This is very possible when you have the attitude of a millionaire.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Credit Card Consolidation Can Help Simplify Your Life

With the economy the way it is, consolidating your card debt is just one of the smart steps you can take to simplify your finances. Credit card consolidation can help lower your interest rates and can help get you back on the right track.

The best way to eliminate your card debt is obviously to stop using your credit card. However ideal that sounds, sometimes life throws curve balls and you need some extra help. Card consolidation is best known for taking your debt and putting it onto one card by moving the balance of those other cards to one that has a lower interest rate. Although moving your debt constantly from a 0% interest rate card to another can be time consuming and irritating, it can also save you a lot of money.

Another way to help consolidate your debt is to take advantage of the equity that is built up from your home. Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOC) typically offer very long interest rates. By taking out a HELOC and paying off your credit cards, you will save a lot of money in interest rate payments from those high interest cards. Although it will become another bill, at least the interest rate will be lower.

The best way to learn about how credit card consolidation can benefit you would be to talk to an expert about it. Find a debt consolidator who can help you review all of your debt and figure out the best road to take to get you out of debt.

Debt Guru specializes in credit card debt consolidation. Debt Guru offers unsurpassed services when it comes to credit card debt consolidation.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Credit Card Consolidation; Easier Than You Think

If you have one credit card, you probably have two. And if you have two credits cards it’s within the realm of possibility that you have three… or five. Carrying a balance on those cards is enough to make anybody’s head spin. Fortunately there is an easy and intelligent way to help you get ahead.

Stop Relying On Home Equity

The real estate craze over the last few years was accompanied by cheap and easy mortgages. And with that came the temptation to consolidate credit card debt through a home equity loan. Even with interest rates on the rise this is still a popular option for those who carry other debts. BUT, it’s not necessarily the best option. While you can take advantage of relatively cheap bank loans, you are still paying interest on your commitments and not doing yourself any favors in the process. If you really want to get ahead you need to cut out that interest all together, and that is where 0% APR or balance transfer cards come in.

It is a Simple and Effective Move!

If you’re consolidating your debts anyway, you might as well buy yourself some breathing room to pay down those balances while your lender gives you a grace period. Avoid paying more than you have to. For instance, the Chase Platinum Card offers a twelve-month introductory rate of 0%. This obviously means that all of your payments go toward the principle on your debt. You will see those interest payments vanish, and your overall monthly bill shrink. This is the best possible scenario for anybody playing catch up with high interest rate debts. It is an even better option than a home equity line of credit. Any homeowner knows that loan amortization makes sure you’re paying interest first, and paying on your principle last. So, if you want to keep the headway you’ve made on paying off your home, you should look into a balance transfer credit card.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Credit Card Consolidation Loans May Be Your Ticket Out of Debt

If you are stuck waste deep in debt, and are looking for a way to get out, then you have probably come into this article in a very discouraged mindset. I say that because it is very, very difficult to get out of debt if you do not have a plan, and a pretty good one at that. Credit card debt is tough to get out of, in fact the credit card companies design their cards in such a way that it is almost impossible to get the credit paid back at all. The interest rates are so high that unless you make above the minimum payment every month, you really have no way to make any real progress with the bills. Fortunately, there is a way out, which involves what some people call credit card consolidation loans. I want to make it perfectly clear that this is NOT a loan. I do not know why people label debt consolidation as a loan, because that is the furthest thing away from what it is. But it can absolutely put you in the right track to getting out of debt forever.

What this actually entails is not a loan, nobody loans you any money at all. All you are doing really is taking your bills and condensing them down into one bill that you have to pay once a month. There is no “combining” them or “loaning” money out to you. Your just condensing everything down to one rate. This is usually cheaper than what the rate would have been if you had paid all of your bills individually like you normally would have. This is the best and easiest way to become debt free because your making your financial life a lot easier, there’s less confusion, the interest rates are lower, your not going to incur any late fees, and many other great advantages.

Credit card consolidation loans do not exist. What people are referring to when these say this is debt consolidation, and it is something that you need to take advantage of if you are in any type of debt whether it be credit card debt, or any kind of debt. It could very well be your golden ticket to getting out of debt and living a life that is free from bill collectors calling you, and free from late fees.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Way Out With 0 APR Credit Cards

I don’t know that credit card ARE a luxury. The days of needing a job or an income to get a credit card are long gone. What kind of credit card are you looking for? The advantages of a credit card are that you don’t have to possess the money at that time to pay for your purchase. Since it is gaining importance in our lives, the use of credit card are also on the rise. The choices available for these plastics are enormous, with a wide variety of interest charges, annual charges, loyalty schemes, and bonus points available. If you buy a good or service over the internet, you may find that only certain types of payment and types of credit card only.

Let’s address the issue at hand, why do you even need a 0 APR credit card for. First of all, ensure that the benefits of your credit card are the most appropriate for your lifestyle. The only costs you’ll pay for a credit card are the interest fees on unpaid balances. If at any way you think about it, spending more than your means will mean that debts will eventually get to you. Debts that won’t let you go so easily once you have been ensnared by it. Secondly what features in a credit card are most important to you. Both a very low and a 0 APR credit card are promotional programs offered by credit card companies so to get the consumers on the hook.

Finding a good a 0 APR credit card offer can be a great way to pay down the balance on existing high interest cards without paying a lot of fees. So when the bank makes you a 0 APR credit card offer, you’re liable to jump at the chance. Make sure you have in mind a new low interest or 0 APR credit card waiting by to which you can transfer the balance of your present credit card. By paying an annual charge for your card you are not truly getting a 0 APR card.

But don’t get too excited yet, there are some downsides to having a 0 apr credit card. Credit card debt is one of the most common problems of the Western world and 0 APR credit cards are not exampted. If you are knee deep in credit card debt and you can barely pay the finance charges, the only wise course of action is to eliminate credit card debt and to begin now. Use this calculator to determine how long it will take to pay off credit card debt! These innocent plastic that looks as if there are no strings attached have in actual fact, plenty of fine prints to it. Usually, there are hidden clauses that the 0 APR credit card are for a limited time period or amount after which there is heavy interest.

There is a way to consolide credit card debts. I know it sounds crazy but it’s possible to get out of debt by using 0 APR Credit Cards.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Make Credit Card Consolidation Work For You

If you owe money on several credit cards, then credit card consolidation can work for you. You may not be able to tackle all of your debt at once, but you could find that a significant portion of your credit card expense has been removed due to a credit card consolidation. Are you looking to get out of debt? If so, a credit card consolidation may be the most useful tool for you.

Owing money on credit cards is no fun, especially when those cards carry large balances and the interest being charged is too high. You may be able to make the minimum payments, but achieving a big dent in the dent can be almost impossible to bring about. Fortunately, a credit card consolidation can help reduce your costs and remove some debt. When shopping for a new card make certain that it offers the following for you:

Balance Transfers – Your goal is to transfer at least a portion of your debt from a high rate card to a new card offering a low, fixed rate. Look for a card that charges no annual fee, waives balance transfer costs, and offers you a fixed rate on your new balance until it is paid off.

Rewards Too – While seeking a card that offers a great balance transfer offer, why not get rewarded for making the switch? Find a card that offers free airline miles, hotel stays, travel discounts, and other incentives to help you get ahead of the game.

Trimming Back Remaining Balances – If your good fortune helps you find a card that will pay off all of your existing balances, and then you are in luck. If not, then start working on reducing your debt by paying off the smallest loan first, followed by the next largest, and the next largest one after that. You can take your time paying off the new card’s balance especially if you received a fixed, low rate for the life of the balance. Compare paying 4.9% to 15.9% or more and you’ll quickly see the value of working on your other debt first.

In some cases you may be able to get two new credit cards at the same time offering similar benefits. If that should be the case, then use both cards to attack your debt. Together, the new cards may offer good enough balance transfer options to help you completely erase the balances on your old cards.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Beware Of Store Credit Card Offers

Department store credit cards have some of the highest rates in the credit industry and you must be wary of their tactics to get you to sign-up. Store credit cards are the beginning of financial disaster for millions of consumers that get sucked in by what are seemingly amazing offers to save money on purchases.

Here’s how department and retail stores suck you in to sign up for their credit cards.

It starts at the checkout stand, you are placing your merchandise on the counter for the sales clerk to process your sale and then they ask:

“Would you like to save 25% of your purchase today?”

This is a loaded question; of course you would like to save 25% off your purchase, who wouldn’t want that?

Your reply is, “Yes, I certainly would like 25% off my purchase.”

The clerk then shows you the store credit card application form and says, “If you apply for the store credit card, you get 25% off this purchase right now.”

You apply to take advantage of this seemingly amazing offer. But be ware this could be the moment your credit takes a nose dive.

First of all, every time you apply for credit, it has an impact on your credit score. If you have been thinking about a mortgage loan or possible a low interest balance transfer credit card from a regular card issuer, your application for the store card could impact your ability to acquire other credit.

The next time a sale clerk tries to get you to apply, politely decline. Your credit score will be impacted by an offer such as this. And, if you do apply for the card and you have a tendency to carry a balance, then you will be paying exorbitantly higher interest rates costing you a lot more money than the 25% you saved on the merchandise when you applied for the card. Department and retail stores know that there is serious money to be made by providing credit to consumers so be very wary of these one time offers, they are not as good as they look.

Tips for Maintaining a Good Credit Score

To maintain a good credit score it is wise to have one credit card account and avoid applying for several cards. If you have a single long standing account that you pay on time you are much better off than having multiple credit cards.

A very common misconception many consumers have is that if they continually open new accounts that this will help build their credit rating faster.

In fact, if you continually open new accounts it will have an adverse impact on your credit score.

The reason being that you could max out all your cards thus putting you in the category of a risky potential customer for a lending institution, if you are in the situation of having multiple credit card accounts then you must take action and close some of your accounts, in fact I recommend closing all but one account.

The credit card account you should keep open is the card you have held for the longest period of time because that plays a role in determining your FICO score.

If you carry a balance on several cards and are considering my advice of closing out all but one of your accounts, the best thing for you to do is call the card issuer where you have held an account for the longest period of time and ask if you can get an introductory interest free period and transfer existing balances to that card.

In most cases the credit card company will accommodate your request.

To maintain a good credit score you should next start paying down your revolving credit line because a high balance also impacts your credit score.

To summarize, your plan of attack for maintaining good credit should be like this:
1. Avoid applying for new offers, particularly department or retail store cards.

2. Consolidate existing credit card balances onto one credit card. Ask your bank for a 0% introductory rate on balance transfers.

3. Start paying higher payments onto your consolidated credit card by taking advantage of the 0% APR offer. Since you have been paying your cards with interest included, a 0% APR introductory period gives you the opportunity to pay down the balance on the card.

So remember these words of wisdom the next time a sales clerk asks if you would like to save 25% off today and you will avoid the pitfall that millions of consumers fall for every day.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Steps to the Best Credit Card Balance Transfer

Balance transfers are just right when you desire to amend your credit card or consolidate credit card debts, it allows you to reassign your debt from your present credit card to a another card with a zero interest period. The central intention of a balance transfer must be to get a lower interest rate or even zero interest card to assist your repayments. By selecting a card with an excellent balance transfer attribute, you can save a lot of money on interest payments and pay off your card faster. You must balance transfer your existing credit card debt and get a jump on repayments if you are having problems living up to your financial responsibilities. A few credit cards present further features that may possibly save you money in additional ways like with discounts on gas or a rewards programs with cash back offers.

Situations where a balance transfer for your existing credit card debt may be more beneficial is when you have a great quantity outstanding on one or additional cards. A credit card balance transfer can ease your debt quicker by consolidating credit debt onto a solitary lesser rate credit card, then at the same time as making the same payments you are presently paying monthly, you will save plenty on interest over time. If you organize your financial plan and analyze the differences among your credit cards and other balance transfer aspects that other cards put forward, you can definitely save on interest payments monthly if you chart your finances properly.

Are you pleased with your present credit card?

Is the interest rate as good as other cards?

Could a balance transfer on your credit card lower your debt sooner?

When looking for the best balance transfer card, there are numerous factors to think about to make sure that you are improving your financial condition instead of hurting it.

A lot of credit card companies present an introductory rate of 0% on balance transfers for a restricted length of time. These proposals are used by banks to attract customers to applying for the card so that they can get interest payments past the introductory period. Numerous card companies also present fixed rate balance transfers for the life of the balance, then again these offers are more frequent on credit cards that previously hold a balance at the regular purchase APR.

Most card issuers present the low interest balance transfer offers for a limited phase of somewhere from 6 to 18 months. Most frequently, new applicants that have a decent credit rating are presented the low rate balance transfer for 12 to 15 months.

These days, nearly all balance transfer proposals have a fee for transferring the balance, despite the fact that certain offers have no balance transfer fee. The fee mainly found at present is 3% of the sum of the transfer with a upper limit of $75 to $250. Nearly all cards furthermore have a lowest transfer fee of $5 to $10.

While shifting credit card balances, you are only allowed to transfer as much as the accessible credit limit on the card you are transferring to permits. If you want to transfer a balance of $7,000 from one of your cards, it won’t help any to get a balance transfer credit card with an accessible credit line of only $4,000.

A lot of credit card companies describe in their card agreements that if you have a overdue payment, go over your credit limit, or even fail to make a payment on a competitor’s card they will raise the promotional balance transfer rate. A lot of times, the balance transfer rate will basically raise to the standard purchase APR on the card, but every now and then, it can go a good deal higher – in fact certain cards allow a default rate above 30%.

To guarantee that you are going for the top balance transfer card, merely be certain to look at the interest rate, the span of the balance transfer promotion, the balance transfer fee (and annual fee of the card) and be certain you comprehend the provisions of the offer.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Several Phenomenal Considerations On Buying A House With Poor Credit

Does it always seem to you as if you're in the right place at the wrong time? Financially, maybe you can't quite seem to match up with the requirements needed to take advantage of a particular situation at hand? This can certainly add up to serious frustration, especially if you're responsible for looking after a devoted family and all you really want to do is to do the right thing for them. From morning until night you are working as much as you possibly can, trying to meet your obligations, any which way you can. As the days and weeks go by the family is increasing in size and the tiny house that you have is being quickly overrun. As you look around, you might have seen some potentially perfect homes in Grosse Pointe and other areas of Michigan, many of which could possibly be in foreclosure, right now. However, for whatever reason, you just don't have the cash required to meet with the restrictions imposed by conventional lenders, and here you are again — seemingly in the right place, but at the wrong time.

In all likelihood, you might not like living in a rental property and it might not be big enough for the size of your family, or alternatively you might be staying with your parents or in-laws, which can quickly grow "old," leaving you to look out for any potential opportunities wherever you can find them. Consider the land contract option and how this might help you to move into one of those fantastic homes that you may have been keeping your eye on. Land contracts can often represent a far less complicated undertaking, as the terms are generally agreed between the seller and the buyer, not being subject to those typical restrictions imposed by banks and mortgage companies, which are more often than not afraid of their own shadows. You see, if you come across a highly motivated seller, it's amazing what can be done. If you can show that you are in steady employment, that you are doing your utmost to look after your family but have little left at the end of any week to put towards saving for a down payment, then you may be able to qualify in this respect for a mutually agreed monthly house payment.

If you don't happen to have the cash for a down payment or are buying a house with poor credit, this can often result in the need to live in a less than satisfying home, forcing you to put up with a general feeling of discontent. If renting or living with family, you're probably looking for your first big break, but first time home buyers with bad credit seem to be at the 'rock bottom' of the list of favored people when it comes to making appointments with bank managers. You don't have to go through all the heartbreak of trying to deal with those colorless bank managers, if you can find one of the many land contracts available in your area. Negotiate the terms, the length of the contract and see if you can't agree sensible and workable repayment terms with the seller. Always make sure that you consult with an independent land contract expert, who may well be able to give you the green light to changing your life for the better, proving that buying a home with poor credit is really achievable.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Compare Credit Cards to Obtain the Best Option Choice for You

How can you compare credit cards to guarantee you will get the best deal? There is absolutely no effortless way to do this. The typical individual is bombarded with bank card deals on a regular basis. Through the e-mail to your mail box, the companies prefer you to select them and so they try everything perceivable to get you to determine they've the higher quality deal.

The evaluation won't end up being the amount of credit they are furnishing. This can be without doubt the absolutely wrong way to decide credit cards. The bigger limit credit cards can have inflated rates of interest, large annual service fees, smaller grace periods in addition to a variety of characteristics that aren't advantageous elements to enjoy with credit cards.

Furthermore, it is wise to understand the small print. More often than not you might be thinking you are getting the best value and there can be concealed costs that you simply were not aware of without reading the small print. It won't do any good to say you didn't know about these later on. Naturally, you are not supposed to sign without the benefit of looking at first.

What type of scam protection does the credit card you're considering include? While you compare credit cards this is very important. If ever you would lose your credit card or a person might steal it, you do not want to be responsible for the fees they're running up. The less the sum you are responsible for, the better.

Once you think about the various bank cards, the one that may benefit you the most will likely to be the card used for the belongings you typically buy. The card ought to be cost effective. What this means is absolutely no unreasonable rates of interest. The rewards needs to be the very best ones you can find. Cash back for using the credit card is obviously among the more beneficial features of current bank cards.

One of the best methods to compare credit cards is to keep from becoming overcome considering the deals. Many of us have viewed the ads using the very low percent rates of interest along with the many benefits which can be received. Be assured, everything isn't as rosy as some may imagine it.

Alot of rewards like show tickets and meals are usually not free either. The if you buy one, get one free is almost certainly a motion picture you would not have gone to view anyways. Consequently, in the end, you're spending much more rather than receiving any back. Compare credit cards carefully and choose the one that is going to help you over the long run.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Guideline to Merchant and Credit Card Services

In today’s world of fast-paced and high-tech business, it is important that one is able to keep up with the pace. There are many systems and services that a business can pick up to maintain a level of service that can be considered high quality. One of these many services is the use of merchant services.

What are merchant services?

Merchant services are the term used for a broad category of financial services intended for businesses. It usually refers to the service that enables a business to accept a transaction payment by using the customer’s credit or debit card.

Merchant services pertains to several specific business services including credit card services like credit and debit card payment processing, payment gateway, direct mail marketing and merchant cash advances, to name a few.

What is a merchant account?

On the other hand, a merchant account is a contract wherein an acquiring bank extends a line of credit to a merchant or a business that wishes to accept payment card transactions from a specific card association brand. With this contract, a business or merchant cannot directly accept any payments from any of the major credit card brands.

Common methods of processing credit cards

There are many different ways a merchant can process credit cards. One of these methods is the use of a credit card terminal. A credit card terminal is a stand-alone electronic equipment that allows a merchant to swipe or key-enter credit card information required to process a credit card transaction.

Another method is the ARU or the Automated Response Unit. Also known as a voice authorization, capture and deposit system, the ARU allows the manual keyed entry and authorization of a credit card over a mobile phone or landline telephone.

Advantages of using credit card services

There are many advantages a merchant has when using credit card services. One of the main advantages of having credit card services is that one is able to provide their clients with several payment forms. By accepting payment through credit card, merchants are able to widen their target audience.

By using credit card services, merchants have credit card processing that is a convenient and effective payment solution that helps businesses in improving their cash flow. Also, depending on the solution the merchant chooses, they are able to accept credit card payment through different channels. Credit card payment can be accepted through the phone, on the internet, wirelessly, by fax or in person.

What are small business loans?

Small business loans are business loans that pertain to a small loan for business purposes. A merchant service provider is able to assist a merchant with small business loans.

Small businesses may apply for business loans. However, unlike a regular business loan, small business loans oftentimes are granted not on the status of one’s business but on one’s personal financial status. Small business loans are often euphemisms used in the financial world as a personal loan given to small businesses.

There is no precise definition given for a small business loan.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Learn To Increase Credit Score With Software

During recessionary times, it's often a good idea to regroup and to consider the following move before jumping ahead. Particularly now, it's not a smart idea to jump into the next best thing. This is especially true if you need to discover how to fix subprime credit. Too many of those old school residential mortgage consultants have nothing else to do nowadays so they're hawking the latest credit repair scams. Do not fall for this as a technique of credit report repair. If you truly want to increase credit report, follow the tried and the true strategies to fix credit.

The beginning of any project to clean up your credit report is to get copies of your credit file. This is vital because credit is dynamic and it changes daily. Today's 800 credit report score could be 782 tomorrow. This is because you are paying your debts and charging and credit is expanding and contracting all of the time. Added to this is the fact that time has a certain factor on credit scores. Old credit isn't as significant as new credit. Learn more about how to fix credit
with your credit reports from each one of the 3 credit reporting firms, get the scores. You will not get these for free and as an important point, you may not get your credit reports for free either. Fed law provides that consumers are entitled to a free credit score every 12 months, but if you have used this free entitlement, you should now pay for reports. Either way, ensure you get the scores.

Once received,go thru them meticulously. Keep in mind that the credit reporting agencies have thirty days to complete an enquiry if you start to contest incorrect items in your credit file. This is crucial for a couple of reasons and I should touch on many of them.

If the agency has 30 days to finish an enquiry, then the result will be that they either confirm the account is correct or they are required to remove the account in question. It is in your own interests to make their job both simple and hard. Easy because you would like them to satisfy the legal necessities, but hard because you would actually like anything that is a negative on your credit score stricken. How does one comply yet stay in the law?

Send all of your disputes in one letter and file the letter once. The cause of this is because you don't require the 30 days to get interrupted for any reason. When they start you don't want to give them any more time than obligatory. If you piece meal information to them, they have the option of halting the inquiry until all of the corresponding information is in the file.You can fix your credit. Learn how to fix credit easily.

Send your disputes authorized Mail Return invoice. Basically make them sign for the mail and keep proof of the date they received the argument letter. This is the day they have to begin and it also marks the beginning of the 30 day need.

Include a copy of ID. Drivers license, social security card and a service bill with your name and address will serve. They have to have some proof of who you are because if anybody asked for an inquiry into your credit file without you knowing, then your credit report will be bobbing around the country. Agency officers have a responsibility to make sure you are who you claim to be. If you do not send this, they will ask for it and also delay the inquiry.

Send any evidence, letters, notes, names, of corresponding explanation with your claim. If Visa Card told you to only pay $500 rather than what you owed and they're now saying you are delinquent, send this copy of the letter with your dispute letter. Again, do not send this stuff in segments. Bundle it all up and fire it off in one arranged package.

Dispute everything that appears to be wrong. Name spelling, address, work place and definitely account information. Also dispute inquiries asking that you receive proof in writing that you permitted a credit inquiry. If you have an existing account with a lender than that actual lender can do an inquiry anytime they need. It's a waste of your time to object to investigations by current banks.

Do not make a response to them by e-mail or phone. Make them do their job and e-mail is simple for them and faster than receiving their results by mail. In fact , do not provide them with any online contact information. They don't need it to comply with the law and you aren't required to provide it.
You're going to be sending one or two dispute letters, but they can't be redundant. You can't keep disputing the same thing repeatedly. You have to come up with more proof, a different reason, a different interpretation of the law. Keep good records and don't give up. You'll hear from the agencies they are finished with their inquiry. Period. That's not the end and it doesn't mean that you are finished. Stay the course until yogurt the results that you need.